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Разработка урока "What are you going to be?"

Урок по теме «What are you going to be?»

(Unit 7, учебник Кузовлева В.П. "English 6")


I. Орг. этап.

-Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you again. How are you?

Рапорт дежурного

(-Who is on duty today? What day is it today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?)


-The motto of our lesson: we see, hear, speak, do and all will be OK! All together! I hope our lesson will be so positive and active!

-Do you want to receive a good mark today?

-What should you do?

II. Постановка учебной проблемы.

Цели урока.

-Now listen to a poem and try to guess what we are going to speak about!

What are you going to be?

What are you going to be?

I`ll be a teacher,

That`s the life for me.

-Did you guess the topic of our lesson? I think you did.

Слайд 2 -OK, you are right! Today we are going to speak about different professions and we`ll know what you are going to be!

Слайд 3

-Look at the screen. What are the goals of our lesson?

We will:

- speak about…

- listen about….

- read about…

- write about …

Слайд 4

Do you like singing? So let`s begin our lesson with a funny song, “People in my town”.

III. Актуализация знаний.

Слайды 5-14

-What professions do you know? Let’s train our tongues. Look at the presentation and answer the question “what are they?”

-There are many different interesting jobs which people are fond of. Now listen to the riddles and guess what jobs do some people have?

  1. She works in a clinic but she is not a doctor. She is a nurse.
  2. He works in a police station. He is a police officer.
  3. He designs new houses. He is an architect.
  4. She takes letters and parcels to people`s houses. She is a postal worker.
  5. He works o a workshop. He is a mechanic.
  6. He designs bridges, cars and other machines. He is a designing engineer.
  7. She works in an office and helps her boss. She is a secretary.
  8. He works at a factory. He is a worker.
  9. He operates computers very well. He is a computer operation.
  10. They count other people`s money. They are accountants.
  11. She works in a library and helps people to choose books. She is a librarian.



IV. Проверка домашнего задания. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

-Let`s check your hometask. I want you to tell us about your parents` jobs.

My mother is a…..

She works at…..

Her job is……

-Well done! Thank you. It was really very interesting to know about your parents ` jobs!

V. Отработка лексического и грамматического материалов.

-We know people of different professions and these professions are very important because we can’t do without these people. They do different and useful work. Let`s see where they work and what they have to do. Look at the screen and answer the questions.


-Where do they work?

… works at / in …

a businessperson

a zookeeper

a doctor/ a vet

a salesperson

a worker

an accountant

a teacher

a nanny

a librarian

a mechanic

an actor/actress

a lawyer


at a workshop

at a theatre

at a big/small company

in a kindergarten

at a zoo

in a library

in an office

at a hospital/ in a clinic

at a factory

at a school

at a bank

in a shop/supermarket



Слайд 16.

-Before answering the next question let`s review some grammar material.

have (has) to + V
don`t (doesn`t) have to + V


  • Если мы вынуждены подчиняться обстоятельствам (определенным правилам или распорядку), мы используем have (has) to + V.

I have to tidy rooms.

  • Если мы говорим о том, что нет необходимости делать что-либо, мы используем don`t (doesn`t) have to + V

You don`t have to tidy up their classroom.


Слайд 17-18

-Look at the screen, please. What do they have to do?

-We see that people of different professions have to do different things. You go to school and it is your work. What do you have to do at school? What don`t you have to do at school? Open your AB p 103.

Динамическая пауза. Слайд 19

-I see that you are a bit tired. Let’s do some physical exercises in order to relax and you’ll be fresh again in a minute.


-Open your books on p. 130. You can see Molly. She is talking about her aunt`s new job..

Listen to her and answer the question.What is her aunt? Be attentive!

Формирование навыков чтения.

-Let`s read and check.ex.1 p.130

Работа в группах. Слайд 19

-Now you will work in groups. I`ll give cards. Are the statements about Molly`s aunt`s job true or false? But at first you should have a look at the ad.

Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

-It`s time speak about your future. What are you going to be when you grow up? I suggest you to make up your own dialogues according to the structure.

  • What are you going to be?
  • - I `m going to be a doctor.
  • What do you have to do?
  • I have to treat people.
  • What do you think about this profession?
  • It is very important / interesting / hard / exciting / dangerous / useful.

- Well done. Thank you. I `m sure you`ll choose the right job when you grow up.

VI. Подведение итогов урока.

-So our lesson is coming to the end and I`d like you to answer some questions:

  1. Can you read and understand stories about jobs/ professions?
  2. Can you talk and write about jobs/ professions?
  3. Did you like the lesson?

-On your desks you can see pictures of different moods. Choose one of them which really shows how you feel at the moment.

-I think that today we had a very interesting and useful lesson. You have worked very well and your marks are. Put down your hometask…..












Источник: http://sarkisyan.ucoz.net/urok_professii.docx
Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: kristina_-hot (16.09.2017)
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